Monday, 13 May 2013

God's Provision and Answered Prayer!

On Thursday 25th April, Trev Coates, Steve Hammond and I got together to pray about the forthcoming Beacon Mission to the Navajo.  I can remember that we specifically prayed that God would provide everything that we needed for th
e Mission so that we would really be able to bless the folks we would be ministering to.

The following day Sue and I took an assembly in Abacus Primary School in Wickford on the theme of sharing. During the assembly we mentioned the mission and that we were hoping to be visiting some Navajo schools.

At the end of the assembly we were approached by one of the teachers who asked if we would be interested in taking some notebooks to Navajo as the school wanted to donate them to a worthy cause. In my naivety I thought she was talking about small paper notepads.  As we were walking along the corridor to collect them the teacher mentioned that all the notebooks had been “cleared down, checked and were in full working order.”  I was confused, why would paper notepads have to be cleared down, checked and in full working order.

It was then I was shown a box of 35 Asus Notebook Computers  - all complete with power leads,  operating disks and manuals. Most were still in their protective cases!  I have to admit I was completely overwhelmed and close to tears.  Each of these computers is worth between £150 — £200. 

This is what was being offered to us completely free of charge!

We are so grateful to the school for this amazingly generous gift.

The icing on the cake came when I discovered that we don’t even have to buy plug adaptors for these machines — all of the power leads supplied came fitted with multi-pin adaptors that means they can be used in the USA straight away.

Folks, thank God for his amazing goodness and provision. He thinks of absolutely everything!
Chris Govus

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