Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Keep up the prayers!

Today has been a really great day ... we started with our devotions studying Acts.  It was really encouraging and challenging and set us up for another day of ministry.

Our first event was singing at the hospital where we were welcomed by the Hospital Chaplain Chris.  We had met her two years ago and so it was great to meet her again.  We set up in the foyer which is a large area with seating.

At the end of our songs we noticed a lady who had sat listening to us was dabbing her eyes and so Alice went across to speak to her.  She immediately said she knew she needed forgiveness!  She gave her life to The Lord there and then.  We prayed together and Alice also prayed for healing.

We then went up to the third floor and sang again.  We were asked to go and sing outside the door of a little girl who was in isolation, we could see her through the open door and we sang 'Great Big God' and 'You are wonderful'.  We left her with a balloon flower and a red nose!!!  She was beaming.

In the meantime the lady who had given her life to The Lord was introduced to Peewee and she told Peewee that as she was prayed for her legs were tingling and she started to move her legs in a way she hadn't been able to for a long time.  We believe she has been healed too.  Praise God for answered prayer!

Our next job was to shop for food and cook for 40+ at Care 66, the home,ess centre.  We hit Walmart and loaded a trolley and then headed back to church to peel veg and practice drama.

We headed down to the old Lexington Hotel now home to Care 66 to cook.  We took over their kitchen and set to work.  We met Keith, the resident chef, who made us really welcome and helped us find our way around.

We served the meal at 5.30pm and then sat and chatted to the folks and invited them along to the church two doors away where we took the whole service.

It was a really powerful time of worship, drama and testimony and ended with one guy committing his life to The Lord and many others receiving prayer.

For those of you who are praying for us please continue - it looks as if our prison visit for Friday is definitely off but there is still a slim chance for next week, please pray for that.  But Friday has now been filled up with fresh and exciting opportunities including the detox centre, a funeral here at the church and the detention centre and then tea and a chat at the ceremonial dancing on the town square!  Busy and exciting.


  1. We are really enjoying hearing all your news your certainly keeping busy We remember you every day when we pray

  2. Exciting to hear about the continuing impact of your visit and testimonies etc.....better put your seat belts on as I feel God has even more in store, in accordance with His promise ('no eye has seen, no mind conceived...' etc); everything is in His hands, and fantastic news of blessings/salvation and healing already....praise His name. The funeral reminds me of good times in Romania at funerals!! Remember those Chris & Sue..? Hope your joy continues to overflow to all you meet....praying for the prison doors to open.....perhaps you need to sing....?! God bless, Martin and Jan.

    PS love the shopping trolley, but noticed Steve wasn't wearing his seat belt..... :-)

  3. Although I'm real sorry the Prison visit is off this week, I am more than pleased other doors have been open to the excellent work you're all doing out across the pond and pray the Prison doors will eventually open to you before you have to return home as I feel sure the work you started on your last visit still has plenty of growth potential :-)
